Thursday, January 27, 2011

a cancerous education....

Just like starting a new job with a new company and having to learn the lay of the land so to speak, having cancer is much the same. It's just been a couple of weeks so I'm not some expert but I am learning more daily. Please feel free to benifit from my knowledge and pass it on. (oh and spoiler alert, if you drink alchahol you might not like at least one of the lessons).

1. Day one. The doctors grill you. How did you get this growth they want to know so asking the same questions over and over again in several ways trying to trick you into differenct answeres is how they collect information. (sort of like those rideculous "surveys" that you are asked to fill out when applying for a job. i.e. 1. It's ok to take merchandise from the store because you work harder than everyone else.
2. If you saw another empolyee taking merchandise would you report it.
3. If you grandmother was shopping at an art store and put a tube of paint into her purse would you say anything?
4. blah, blah, get the point)
With Cancer of the tongue the questions surrond 1. smoking (I was expecting that) and 2. Drinking (WHAT?) I found out that alchahol is the number 2 cause of oral cancers that day. Those of you know that I really don't drink all that much (even though I make amazing booze balls! Which by the way I rarely eat. Hey I didn't get to goal weight by scarfing down a plate of pastries filled with tequila, congac, rum, or burbon!) It's just being told that drinking is the number 2 cause of oral cancer was beyond a shock for me. Why are bottles not covered in Surgeon General warnings? Well they are but it's usually about drinking during pregancy and not being able to become pregnant myself I never really read them. But if a bottle of Captain Meyers had a warning on it saying something like "drinking this rum  on a frequent basis could lead to having half of your tongue removed and replaced with skin and fat from your wrist, I might have paid attention to that. In fact Im's sure I would have. But wait, there's more. Drinking and smoking together (because they do tend to go hand in hand) increases the risk even more. (unless you're Eddie Van Halen. If you want to know what I'm refering to Google Eddies battle with cancer which in no way was caused by his drinking or smoking. Oh well, I couldn't help myself and told you anyway)

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