Friday, July 15, 2011

Another Week

When you think about it it is amazing what can happen in one week. I am very conscience of this right now because the weeks seem to be passing by so quickly and soon I will be back at work. If you really think about it though, think about what one week can bring. A vacation perhaps, a renewed friendship? A new career? A new look on life? A new appreciation of the love in your life? A much needed break? New books? A stronger connection with God?

The weeks that have gone by have brought me all of that and more. I appreciate time in a much different way than I did before being diagnosed with cancer. It used to feel like it was my enemy. Rushing faster and faster until it was going to be too late for me. I was feeling the sand slip through my fingertips unable to do anything about it but try and keep up with the life that I was living. Once diagnosed the entire glass bottle of sand fell from my hand and I had to face the reality that that life was nothing more than an illusion. Being in the world but not of it, never made sense to me until recently. I didn't understand what had happened until I was not of this world.

I used to dream of being a comedian. I thought I was pretty funny. In reality I was wounded and bitter and made jokes based on that. Today, I feel love and compassion, and while I think I have retained my sense of humor, I no longer need to make jokes at any ones expense especially mine. Ironically I laugh more today. I see more joy in the world than I used to. I smile more. I say hi to more people than I used to. In spite of my new speech impediment (which I am working on in therapy) I am not bothered to speak with anyone. Not that all my my mean streak is gone. I have to admit that things like the you tube video of the woman falling into a pond because she is on her cell phone really cracks me up. I think the difference is now I feel that I am laughing with her. I could see myself doing that (and probably will at some point if I don't learn to stay off my smart phone.  I just hope someone it catches on video so others can share in the laugh).

In another week there are hundreds of opportunities for us all to become more connected. To say hi to strangers. To try and make someones day, now just wait around for someone to do something nice for us. This coming week I can do nice things for myself as well as others. This week I can make myself available to someone who is going through a difficult time. Time is a gift. Each week brings new opportunities. Each week brings more love.

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