Wednesday, May 11, 2011

changing the game

Sometimes healing is a matter of changing how we normally play the game. Just being bed ridden for a couple of days can deplete your energy and strength to the point that you can't believe that this is your body. If you have had something changed or altered your conscience mind might be aware of it, but your brain keep issuing the same old instruction to your body. The altered body might not comply. My right arm will not raise over my head without great effort any more. Because of that I exercise it daily. My neck is still stiff from the insision so I have to stretch it daily. These changes made sense to me. I was prepared for them because they seemed logical.

My speech is a different matter, however. What the surgeon tells you is that as the swelling goes down in the tongue, you will speak more and more clearly. That made sense for a short while. The new portion of my tongue (affectionalty known as frankentongue) is still swollen after 5 weeks and my speaking voice sounds like I have food in my mouth. Speaking of food, eating is difficult with a swollen tongue. I eat everything

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