Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Short and sweet

I am just putting in a quick update today. Thanks to acupuncture and herbs and prayer and how knows what else, I am improving! The sores in my mouth are much better with the exception of the newest on in the back of my throat. It makes it difficult to eat so I am back on liquids for the most part. I have been able to eat omelets.

The thing here is that in spite of my current condition, I am very aware that the worst is most likely behind me. I have 13 more radiation treatments. I have not turned to a burnt crisp as predicted, although I do look like I fell asleep in the sun with a towel over the top of my face. I am defiantly a brighter color from the nose down. It strikes me as sort of ironic, though. I had never in my life been able to get my neck to tan and here it is with color. I don't however recommend this as a way to achieve the perfect tan!

One thing that keeps me aware of end of treatment is watching my fellow members on the bus. Every day there is someone passing out cookies to celebrate there last day of treatment. It has the feel of a right of passage and indeed it is. We patients have held our heads up and have had the nerve to laugh in the face of fear and pain. I really feel for the women who have had their breasts burnt so badly, but yet they show up for another day and another change to live a long life. I pray for them and will continue to do so. I hope that they will become part of my survivors group that has been there for me from the start. More than anything else these days, I pray for all of the cancer patients in the world. I hope that science can find better and more effective ways of treating and eventually eradicating cancer. I know that I have grown from this journey, but how many of us are supposed to grow like this? It seems absurd, especially knowing that 10 or so years from now it will most likely come down to the discovery of a virus that can easily be treated. I am hopeful that that is the case.

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