Saturday, February 12, 2011

Faith, Fantasy and Attention Deficite Disorder

While doing some research today I wondered onto the Oral Cancer Foundations website. A lot of great info until you read mortality rates. 27,000 people diagnosed with some sort of oral cancer each year with only half of those alive at the end of 5 years (the most important milestone for cancer survivors).Those are some pretty heavy odds you might be thinking. I just got mad! Screw you, I thought!

Where does this come from when one of us is presented with someone else's truth we say Screw you instead of listening? Is this a form of denial? Faith? Am I crazy? It's at time's like these that I am truly grateful to be the poster child for ADD! I won't really remember the statistics in a day or so and will be working on my road to recovery. I believe that my ADD may be severing me in terms of long term health. In fact I think my personal columns of health include Faith (both my own and everyone else's, getting those prayers going and having people know that you are healthy before we can see the physical proof is one of the strongest medicines in the universe. It is our connection to God!) Fantasy, my ability to see my future (and everyone else's ability to clearly see me in the future). and finally Attention Deficit Disorder: this one is personal to me (unless you are ADD as well, then please include yourself) How can you that possibly help you, you may ask? Simple I can forget about the troubling info that I've been given (allowing for the faith and fantasy to take over),

Now some of you are probably about to do a chicken neck and exclaim "You Crazy!" Hear me out. I get your argument (I'll forget about it, but for the time let's just say I understand. Faith allows us to see the world removed from the physical bonds. It tells us that we are one with god! Yes I know all of the arguments against it. Faith is just for the weak. Prayer doesn't work. I pray to win the lottery every week and I'm still working at a 9-5 job (therefore prayer doesn't work) OK, we have all prayed for come crazy stuff. It does not mean that the perfect words put out into the universe at the right time with the right intent won't bring the right result. Think of wishes as prayers, how many of yours have been answered over the years. Now if you combine those with some sort of action what was the result? The new job, car, perfect hair cut? You are hopeful realizing that I am right! If not, it's cool, I still have faith.

Fantasy, works hand in hand with faith. It helps us see better times, when we are full bore in the worst of times. It creates the world of tomorrow. Scientists are remarkable fantasizes! And OK it helps us waist time when we are bored. I can't tell you how many times I've been interviewed by Oprah and Ellen on the way to work! Thank god for hands free. People don't freak out when they see talking to yourself anymore.

And as for ADD, I will use the power of forgetting the negative! This allows me to focus on the positive in my life and ultimately heal. Maybe it's too simplistic and maybe I seem trapped by some in a fantasy where I am failing to take the statistics into account. To those people I say "screw you"! There is no way, I won't be here five years from now. I have faith in the future that I have seen, and you better believe that I'll be around!

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