Tuesday, February 15, 2011

There was an old lady who swallowed a fly....

You know the song. Probably sang it as a child. It took me years to really understand that this musical farce was in fact a lesson. Of course the intended lesson was not to follow up one bad idea with another one, however I do believe that someone in the medical field decided to interpreted it in another way.

If you have been reading my blog then you know that I have recently had half of my tongue removed and reconstructed. Today in the plastic surgeons office he removed the cast from my arm that was protecting the site of the skin graft. What does any of this have to do with a nursery rhyme you ask. Well, odd things pop into my head from time to time (actually on a pretty steady basis, but I think that may be a topic for another blog). When looking down at the oddly yellowish, pinkish, purplish  patch of skin covering my wrist, this song was all I could think of. Of course it was something more like this:

 "There once was a guy who had a tongue tumor, the doctor said man,  we gotta remover her.
He removed half of the tongue, but upon seeing his work he thought he can't talk like this, wow I'm a jerk!
So he removed some skin and plenty of fat from the patients wrist, folded it over and gave it a big squish.
He then stitched that sandwich to the healthy half of tongue looked down again and realized what he'd done.
He can't use his arm without skin and vein, so he went a little lower and borrowed some from the poor patients leg......

OK so that's where my surgery story ends, but as I was saying I get some pretty odd thought from time to time. It is a good thing though because while examining my wrist I almost passed out. Funny how being silly and making your self laugh sometimes really does make it all better! Life is just like that, too isn't it. How many times have you been furious at a friend or love one or especially a spouse and just when it gets heated up it gets funny. There is nothing like laughter in the face of adversity to let you know that you not only are surviving, but I believe that just the defiant act of laughing in the face of disaster is, in fact, one of the strongest survival instincts. Today's Truth:: Every day I laugh and therefore I am a survivor!

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