Monday, February 21, 2011

The Honeymoon is Over!

We all know that phrase. It applies to marriage, jobs, new cars and now, as I am finding out, to healing. It is in no way a bad thing though. The honeymoon is over speaks to reality setting in. The day in your relationship where you feel comfortably taken for granted for the first time. In careers it is the day you realize that you need to stop asking questions and carry your weight. For cars it usually comes around the time when you get your first ding in the door and start relaxing a bit. In healing it is a bit different. It comes the day that your caretakers have had it. Get your own water! Make your own lunch (or in my case, open your own can of protein drink), was your own sheets, walk the dogs, feed the fish. On an on until your doing your full share.

It doesn't matter whether or not you feel your ready for it. It only matters that your caretaker caught you being independent and now expects that of you.I do need to add here that Ken has been nothing short of a perfect saint and a wonderful caretaker during my recovery. So much so that I suggested that he has missed his calling and may want to go back to school. I was informed that he was able to do this because he loved me! (and therefore does not feel inclined in the least to share his sainthood with the rest of the world). The time has come for the  momma bird to kick you out of the nest so to speak, and you'd  better fly, because no one is giving you any other options. The world is an oyster and your friends want you in it with them. There are movies to be seen, walks to be taken. Yoga classes to be discovered. Books to be read and shared and discussed. Your co-workers want you back. In short life is calling you. "Come and play"!

It doesn't matter that my doctor has extended my disability until August 1st of this year. Define disability! I have 3 weeks before I start chemo/radiation. It has been made perfectly clear to me that those 3 weeks are to be used to get myself into better shape, use nutrition to support my healing, learn to meditate so that I can get thru the treatments with the least amount of side effects. Oh and while I'm at it keep the house clean, deal with the finances, do laundry, feed the pets, cook and juice,  work on my blog and my book that I have started. In short, I'll be working full time. An why not? Laying around can only do so much to heal the body. It's when we get up off the couch or bed and get back in the game that we truly start to live. Yes there may be aches and pains. My neck still does not have it's full range of motion.but each day is easier that the previous one. At this point, I barely remember the struggle. All of this is as it should be! If life were just one big honeymoon, how could we possibly appreciate the good times? Of course as I ask myself that, these times feel pretty good! Sure, I've been thru a frightening diagnosis, surgery, healing, and am looking at more treatment, but it hasn't been bad. I have been showered with love and prayer and light. My girlfriend, Carolyn light candles at the Vatican for me! When I think about the love and the prayers, I am overwhelmed! How could I not be content? Most importantly, how could I not survive?

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