Friday, February 11, 2011

Good Jeans and good genes....

First an update: I saw the doctor yesterday and found out they got all of the cancer from the tongue! Unfortunately on a microscopic level it has spread to my lymph nodes on the right side of my neck. In a few weeks I will need to undergo radiation and most likely chemo therapy. I was disappointed, of course, but know that I have the personal strength to get thru this (OK, I didn't feel like that in the doctors office, but after not being able to sleep for hours remembered the truth about myself and that is I am tough!)

My healing is happening at an amazing pace.that has surprised even my doctor. My trech was removed today and (Surprise) so was my feeding tube. It's just all me now. I even got to take a shower after some creative plastic wrapping for the cast on my arm and leg (from the skin grafts). OK here we go.

There is nothing like a good pair of jeans. The best jeans become a part of you. Define you. You drag them out whenever your down, whenever your up and want to look even better. I spent years rejecting jeans, but just last year bought a pair I love and rarely take them off. They have a sleek dark wash that looks dressed up or down. The denim market has exploded over the past 20 years. Jeans in the $200 and up category came out and I wondered who would wear those? It seems everyone, except for me that is. My favorite jeans do not have a fancy pedigree. In fact they only cost $35.00. They are Levi's, an American classic. Tough and cool enough to dress up for the theater. They're simple lines is what I believe great design to be all about.

Good Jeans don't become a part of you, they are you. Genes come down the line each time combined creating a new exact person. Some sleek, some tall. some a bit big busted, some with a big tush. My Genes, much like my Jeans seem to be of the simple lot. German (farmer stock), Irish and Cherokee Indian blended to make me the unique expression that I am. Like most of the men in my family, and like my favorite jeans, I have become better over time. My weight bounced around all of my life, but seems to have found a nice range. My face has mellowed and actually become handsome over the years. Just a touch of grey sprinkled thru my brown hair over the past few years, giving me if not a wiser look, a slightly more mature look (and god only knows, I could use a little maturity. I still play like a big kid).

And also, like my favorite jeans, I am tough! Made to survive all of the wear the universe can dish out. I wonder sometimes if I was genetically predisposed to pick out my simple genes. Think about it. Look at your jeans and then look at your genes. Is there a commonality? I have found that I don't need the designer jeans, and,  in dealing with my cancer I am glad to have my simple peasant stock genes. I am healing rapidly and day by day can do more.. So the next time I start thinking that I'm not good enough, and can't get thru this, I'm going to pull out my jeans and put them on as if they were my armour. They are the best representation of me in my closet, and with the simple act of wearing them, I let to universe know this. You can't beat an American classic!

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