Tuesday, February 1, 2011

That's our story....and we're sticking to it!

Hello all, this is Ken, Ran's partner, updating everyone on his surgery.

Ran went off to the OR at about 11:15am on 1/31/11.  After about 9 hours the doctors both came out to give me the update - everything went as planned, no surprises!  Great! So glad to hear!  But 9 hours and no updates!  The oncologist was done with his part after about 4 hours, "hey, my part went well"  would have been nice.  But to double back on Ran's comment about being a patient......BUT I'M NOT THE PATIENT!!!!!  But still, I was able to keep myself occupied....plugged in my iPhone and listen to some tunes for most of the time and read through the local papers.  Watching other loved ones wait, seen their doctors  coming out to update, or even going home.  That will be me soon.....

There was this TV screen that listed patients by a number and where they were in the process, kinda like Domino's pizza tracker.....As I sat there and watched everyone else move from green, to blue to pink,to red, Ran just stayed at blue - in OR.  And stayed, and stayed.   It could be abit nerve racking, but I held it together.  But the best part is  knowing that as of about 8pm last night, Ran is cancer free.  That's our story and we're sticking to it! 

Oh, and one more point to his recovery.....even in a propofol coma, Ran woke up on his own, out of sedation at 5am today!   He has been very responsive, able to  understand and scratch out notes for his needs.  He looks like hell, but he wants to recover, and fast!  He was taken off the ventilator early today and is right on schedule for his healing.

Sorry my writing isn't as insightful as Ran's.  But I wanted to get an update out there for everyone.  And my mind hasn't been all there either so I'm a little scattered brain.  When I know more, I will let you all know! 

I just love how everything is going to plan, on schedule, for something that is so unplanned!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the update Ken. Excellent news!

    We've been thinking about you both & sending our love from Texas.
